Language is a trace of culture increadible important, as it unites people. But at the same time, it can avoid it. You really realize that when you go to a country without knowing any word besides 'hi', as I did in Poland. When you need to talk and simply can't, neither to ask for information or even to be nice, with a thank you and a good morning! Because, at lest for me, polish is not a language that I can assimilate with others I know, being a lot different from english and the latin languages, in a way that it is hard to catch common words or just get the meaning of what is being told. Though, after six weeks here, getting used to the sound of the language, and understanding what people are trying to tell me, even not knowing the exactly translation, is just extremely pleasant .. So, here goes a little list of basic words that might help you get involved with the polish life!
hello - cześć (tchesch)
good bye - do widzenia (do vidienia)
thank you - dziękuję (dgincuia)
excuse me - przepraszam (pcheprancham)
yes - tak (tak)
no - nie (nie)
sorry - przepraszam (pcheprancham)
good morning - dzień dobry (dindobre)
good afternoon - dzień dobry (dindobre)
good night - dobranoc (dobranotsh)
please - proszę (prochan)
basic noms:
water - woda (voda)
restaurant - restauracja (restauratcia)
airport - lotnisko (lotnisko)
currency exchange - kantor (cantor)
train station - dworzec kolejowy (dvodske koleiowe)
lunch and dinner - eatem (eatem)
supper - kolacja (kolatcia)
days of the week:
sunday - niedziela (nidiela)
monday - poniedziałek (ponidjauec)
tuesday - wtorek (vtorek)
wednesday - środa (shroda)
thursday - czwartek (tsvartek)
friday - piątek (piantek)
saturday - sobota (sobota)
january - styczeń (stichen)
february - luty (luti)
march - marzec (marjets)
april - kwiecień (ksvietchen)
may - maj (mahi)
june - czerwiec (terviets)
july - lipiec (lipiets)
august - sierpień (chierpien)
september - wrzesień (vjechien)
october - październik (pardienik)
november - listopad (listopat)
december - grudzień (grudien)
one - raz or jeden (ieden)
two - dwa (dva)
three - trzy (tshe)
four - cztery (cstere)
five - pięć (pinch)
six - sześć (chesch)
seven - siedem (chiedem)
eight - osiem (ochiem)
nine - dziewięć (divianch)
ten - dziesięć (dijiench)
basic sentences:
where is .. ? - gdzie jest .. ? (dvie iest)
how much? - ile .. (ila)
sorry, i don't speak polish! - Przepraszam, nie mówię po polsku. (pcheprancham, nie movie po polsku)
do you speak english? - Czy mówisz po angielsku? (tsi movisk po anglielsku)
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